====== Installation Guide ====== ===== Prerequisites for Running from Source ===== ==== macOS Users ==== **PyRDPConnect** requires XQuartz to function correctly on macOS. XQuartz is an open-source version of the X.Org X server, a component necessary for running remote desktop applications. === Step 1: Install XQuartz === - Visit the official XQuartz website: [[https://www.xquartz.org/|XQuartz Download Page]]. - Download and install the latest version of XQuartz. - (Optional) Restart your computer to ensure all necessary components are initialized. **Why XQuartz?** XQuartz provides the necessary X11 environment that FreeRDP relies on for graphical rendering on macOS. Without it, the application may not display the RDP session correctly. === Step 2: Install Python and Required Packages === brew install python3 pip3 install pyqt5 === Step 3: Clone the Repository and Run from Source === - Clone the PyRDPConnect repository: git clone https://github.com/LaswitchTech/PyRDPConnect.git - Navigate to the ''src'' directory and execute the application: python3 src/client.py ==== Linux Users ==== For Linux users, **PyRDPConnect** requires Python 3, PyQt5, and FreeRDP to function correctly. === Step 1: Install Required Packages === Update your package list and install the necessary packages: sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install -y git python3 python3-pip python3-pyqt5 python3-pyqt5.qtquick python3-pyqt5.sip freerdp2-x11 === Step 2: Clone the Repository and Run from Source === - Clone the PyRDPConnect repository: git clone https://github.com/LaswitchTech/PyRDPConnect.git - Navigate to the ''src'' directory and execute the application: python3 src/client.py ===== Running the Pre-Built Application ===== ==== macOS Users ==== **PyRDPConnect** is available as a pre-built macOS application (''.app''). Before using the application, you must install XQuartz. === Step 1: Install XQuartz === - Visit the official XQuartz website: [[https://www.xquartz.org/|XQuartz Download Page]]. - Download and install the latest version of XQuartz. - (Optional) Restart your computer to ensure all necessary components are initialized. === Step 2: Run the PyRDPConnect Application === - Locate the ''PyRDPConnect.app'' in the ''dist/macos'' directory or where you saved it. - Double-click the application to launch it. - **PyRDPConnect** should now open and run as expected. **Troubleshooting**: If **PyRDPConnect** does not open or shows an error related to X11 or XQuartz, ensure that XQuartz is installed and running. You can manually start XQuartz from your Applications folder (''/Applications/Utilities/XQuartz.app''). ==== Linux Users ==== **PyRDPConnect** is also available as a pre-built single-file executable on Linux. === Step 1: Download and Install Dependencies === Make sure FreeRDP is installed: sudo apt-get install -y freerdp2-x11 === Step 2: Run the PyRDPConnect Executable === - Locate the ''PyRDPConnect'' executable in the ''dist/linux'' directory or where you saved it. - Make the file executable if it’s not already: chmod +x dist/linux/PyRDPConnect - Run the application: ./dist/linux/PyRDPConnect ===== Troubleshooting Common Issues ===== **Permission Denied Error**: If you encounter a "Permission denied" error, ensure that the script has executable permissions: chmod +x .sh **XQuartz Issues**: If XQuartz does not start automatically, you can manually start it from ''/Applications/Utilities/XQuartz.app''. ===== Additional Information ===== If you have any questions or need further assistance, feel free to open an issue in the [[https://github.com/LaswitchTech/PyRDPConnect/issues|GitHub Repository]].