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- How to Build a Simple Ticketing System in DokuWiki @en:blog:2024:10:08
- xt> ~~NOCACHE~~ ~~NOTOC~~ ====== Tickets ====== <block centeralign> <inline button>[[new|New Ticket]]</i... line> <inline button>[[labels|Labels]]</inline> </block> ===== Oldest Ticket(s) ===== {{topic>.?ticket T... @@ ====== {{tag>Ticket @@priority@@ %Y %B}} ---- <block float-right> {{tag-button>closed:error|Mark as Cl... ark as Solved}} {{tag-button>archived|Archive}} </block> ===== Ticket Information ===== | <barcode type=
- Usage Guide @en:projects:pyrdpconnect:documentation
- vironments. ===== Documentation Overview ===== <block float-right> <inline button>[[.:development| Open]]</inline> </block> ==== 1. Development Environment Setup ==== The ... nnect or contribute to its ongoing development. <block float-right> <inline button>[[.:installation| Open]]</inline> </block> ==== 2. Installation Guide ==== The Installatio
- How to Install Remote Desktop Services on Windows Server 2022 @en:blog:2024:11:27
- ser account that has remote access permissions. <block round info > ===== Optional: Configure Remote Des... a valid SSL certificate for secure connections. </block> <block round tip > ===== Troubleshooting Tips ===== * Port Configuration: Ensure port 3389 (RDP) is... Session Host Configuration to match your needs. </block> ===== Conclusion ===== Installing and configur
- Wrap @en:projects:writr:documentation:03:01:wrap
- n uppercase **%%<WRAP>%%** (or alternatively **%%<block>%%** or **%%<div>%%**) creates a **''div''** and ... h :language> "big" content </WRAP> or <block classes width :language> "big" content </block> or <div classes width :language> "big" cont... s (as each element that floats is automatically a block level element), but it probably doesn't make too
- INI Configurator @en:projects:ini-configurator
- ojects:ini-configurator:icon.png?nolink&400 |}} <block float-right pt-3> <inline button>[[https://github... com/sponsors/LaswitchTech | Donation]]</inline> </block> ====== INI Configurator ====== **Author(s)**: L... sually appealing and responsive user interface. <block float-right> <inline button>[[en:projects:ini-con... cts:ini-configurator:gallery| Upload]]</inline> </block> ===== Gallery ===== {{gallery>:en:projects:ini-c
- MySQL INI Configurator @en:projects:mysql-ini-configurator
- :mysql-ini-configurator:icon.png?nolink&400 |}} <block float-right pt-3> <inline button>[[https://github... com/sponsors/LaswitchTech | Donation]]</inline> </block> ====== MySQL INI Configurator ====== **Author(s... sually appealing and responsive user interface. <block float-right> <inline button>[[en:projects:mysql-i... sql-ini-configurator:gallery| Upload]]</inline> </block> ===== Gallery ===== {{gallery>:en:projects:mysql
- PyRDPConnect @en:projects:pyrdpconnect
- n:projects:pyrdpconnect:logo.png?nolink&400 |}} <block float-right pt-3> <inline button>[[https://github... com/sponsors/LaswitchTech | Donation]]</inline> </block> ====== PyRDPConnect ====== **Author(s)**: Louis... acking of issues during the connection process. <block float-right> <inline button>[[en:projects:pyrdpco... rojects:pyrdpconnect:gallery| Upload]]</inline> </block> ===== Gallery ===== {{gallery>:en:projects:pyrdp
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- :en:projects:reversesum:logo.png?nolink&400 |}} <block float-right pt-3> <inline button>[[https://sum.la... com/sponsors/LaswitchTech | Donation]]</inline> </block> ====== ReverseSUM ====== **Author(s)**: Louis O... yone to host and modify it to suit their needs. <block float-right> <inline button>[[en:projects:reverse... :projects:reversesum:gallery| Upload]]</inline> </block> ===== Gallery ===== {{gallery>:en:projects:rever
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- ~ {{ :en:projects:writr:logo.png?nolink&400 |}} <block float-right pt-3> <inline button>[[https://www.do... com/sponsors/LaswitchTech | Donation]]</inline> </block> ====== Writr ====== **Author(s)**: Louis Ouelle... mespace including Logo, Title, Link and Tagline <block float-right> <inline button>[[en:projects:writr:g... ns=en:projects:writr:gallery| Upload]]</inline> </block> ===== Gallery ===== {{gallery>:en:projects:writr
- How to Join a New Server to an Existing Domain @en:blog:2024:11:26
- hat the server is listed as part of the domain. <block round tip > ===== Troubleshooting Tips ===== * ... g TCP 389 (LDAP), TCP/UDP 53 (DNS), and others. </block> ===== Conclusion ===== By following these steps... for more server management tutorials and tips! <block round help > ===== Related Articles ===== * [[e... a-remote-application-using-windows-server-rds]] </block> ===== Tags ===== {{tag>"tutorials-windows" tuto
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