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- Git --- Let's talk about it @en:blog:2024:11:07
- Git, you need to install it on your computer. You can download Git from the [[https://git-scm.com/|official website]]. Once you have installed Git, you can start using it by creating a new repository. You can create a new repository by running the following ... te a new repository in the current directory. You can then start tracking changes in your code by creat
- How to Publish a Remote Application using Windows Server RDS @en:blog:2024:11:29
- ficient access to their work tools. With RDS, you can publish individual applications—referred to as Re... ll Remote Desktop Services on Windows Server. You can find the guide [[:en:blog:2024:11:27:how-to-insta... Step 2: Configure your Firewall ===== Before you can publish a RemoteApp, you need to ensure that your... vices installed and your firewall configured, you can proceed to publish your RemoteApp program. Here’s
- Reset your macOS user password @en:blog:2024:11:11
- Ouellet ---- Forgetting your macOS user password can be frustrating, but rest assured, there’s a strai... l need to boot into Recovery Mode. Here's how you can do it: ==== Intel Macs ==== - Restart your Mac.... password ===== Once you're in Recovery Mode, you can reset your macOS user password using the Terminal
- How to Join a New Server to an Existing Domain @en:blog:2024:11:26
- **Network Connectivity**: Verify that the server can communicate with the Domain Controller using its ... r Manager automatically opens. If it doesn’t, you can manually open it from the Start Menu. ===== Step... == Conclusion ===== By following these steps, you can seamlessly integrate a new server into your Activ
- How to Install Remote Desktop Services on Windows Server 2022 @en:blog:2024:11:27
- ver 2022 is a straightforward process that significantly enhances your organization’s remote access capabilities. By following this guide, you can set up a secure and scalable RDS environment, whe
- Announcing MySQL INI Configurator - Simplifying MySQL Configuration Management @en:blog:2024:11:29
- dministrator or a developer, the tool ensures you can manage your configuration settings without gettin... ===== Editing MySQL configuration files manually can be daunting, especially when dealing with large a
- Adding New Features: Updates to Writr v2024-11-12 @en:blog:2024:11:12:adding-new-features
- dokuwiki.org/plugin:starred|Starred]] plugin, you can save articles of interest for easy access later. ... kuwiki.org/plugin:userpage|UserPage]] plugin, you can create a unique page to showcase your profile pic