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How to disable Telemetry on Windows 11
3 Hits, Last modified:
n:blog:tutorials:windows:windows10telemetry.cfg | Configuration File}} - Start OOSU as a local Administrator - Import the configuration file - Exit OOSU - Restart the computer - L... count - Execute OOSU as the user and import the configuration file - Again Exit OOSU and restart the computer
How to skip the network setup during the initial setup of Windows 11
2 Hits, Last modified:
11 to bypass the network setup during the initial configuration. This can be particularly useful for users who wi... outlined above, you can easily bypass the network configuration during your Windows 11 initial setup. This option
How to prevent user from signing into a Microsoft Account on Windows 11
1 Hits, Last modified:
cations can lead to system instability. With this configuration in place, you can now manage user accounts with g
How to Set a Default Program
1 Hits, Last modified:
. ===== Tags ===== {{tag> "Windows" "Tutorials" "Configuration Programs" "Tools"}} ~~socialite:icon twitter face