Fulltext results:
- 02.01. Site Identity @en:projects:writr:documentation:02:01
- o, favicon and apple touch icon the [[https://www.dokuwiki.org/template:dokuwiki#changing_the_logo|same way as for the dokuwiki template]]. ==== Namespace Logo ==== If you enable ''doLogo
- 02.04. Included Hooks @en:projects:writr:documentation:02:04
- mselves. This template supports the [[https://www.dokuwiki.org/template:dokuwiki#supported_include_hooks|same include hooks as the dokuwiki template]].
- 02.05. Color Schemes @en:projects:writr:documentation:02:05
- _color_alt__'' values in your local [[https://www.dokuwiki.org/devel:style.ini#local_styleini|style.ini]] to... This should actually be done in the [[https://www.dokuwiki.org/plugin:styling|styling plugin]] over the admi
- 02.06. Content Width @en:projects:writr:documentation:02:06
- ontent_width__'' variable in the style.ini. Since DokuWiki version 2015-08-10 “Detritus” you can do that more easily with the [[https://www.dokuwiki.org/plugin:styling|styling plugin]] over the admi
- 02.02. Navigation @en:projects:writr:documentation:02:02
- v.txt> ~~NOCACHE~~ * [[:start|Home]] * [[wiki:DokuWiki]] * [[wiki:Syntax]] * [[:Sample Page]] </fi
- 02.03. Sidebar @en:projects:writr:documentation:02:03
- a standard sidebar as configured in [[https://www.dokuwiki.org/config:sidebar|Configuration Setting: sidebar