01.02. Creating a Release

Once you’ve finished customizing and testing your configurator, follow these steps to create a release version:

Step 1: Create a Pull Request to Merge dev into stable

  1. Go to your forked repository on GitHub.
  2. Navigate to the Pull Requests tab and click New pull request.
  3. Set the base branch to stable and the compare branch to dev.
  4. Review the changes in the pull request and click Create pull request.
  5. Once the pull request is created, review and merge it into the stable branch.

Step 2: Tag the Stable Branch for a Release

  1. After merging, ensure you are on the stable branch:
    git checkout stable
    git pull origin stable
  2. Create a version tag for the release:
    git tag v1.0.0
    git push origin v1.0.0
    1. Replace v1.0.0 with your desired version number following semantic versioning conventions (e.g., v1.1.0, v2.0.0).

Step 3: Trigger the Release Workflow

The push of a version tag (e.g., v1.0.0) to the stable branch will automatically trigger the GitHub Actions workflow for creating a release. This workflow will:

  • Package the application for both Windows (.exe) and macOS (.app).
  • Upload the compiled files as assets to the release in GitHub.

Step 4: Download the Release

  1. Once the release workflow is complete, go to the Releases section in your repository.
  2. Find the newly created release (e.g., v1.0.0).
  3. Download the compiled assets (Configurator.exe for Windows and Configurator.app for macOS).

Notes for Releases

  • Branch Management: Keep the stable branch clean and only merge fully tested changes from the dev branch.
  • Versioning: Use semantic versioning for tags (vX.Y.Z) to indicate major, minor, and patch updates.
  • Automated Workflow: Ensure your GitHub Actions workflows (build.yml and others) are correctly configured for release tagging.


By following these steps, you’ll ensure a smooth release process and maintain a clear separation between development and production code.