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Writr @en:blog:projects:themes:dokuwiki:writr
75 Hits, Last modified:
itr ====== This template was converted from the [[|WordPress theme Wri... 02 | ^ Compatible | Jack Jackrum | ^ Download | [[ /heads/| Download]] | ^ Bug Tracker | [[| Issues]] | ^ Source | [[
Writr @fr:blog:projects:themes:dokuwiki
72 Hits, Last modified:
itr ====== Ce modèle a été converti à partir du [[|thème WordPress Wri... Compatible | Jack Jackrum | ^ Téléchargement | [[| Téléchargement]] | ^ Suivi des bogues | [[| Bogues]] | ^ Source | [[
How to Build a Simple Ticketing System in DokuWiki @en:blog:tutorials:dokuwiki
11 Hits, Last modified:
ng system, we use the following plugins: * **[[|Bureaucracy... submissions and automate ticket creation. * **[[|Tag]]**: For tagging and categorizing tickets by status. * **[[|Tag Button]]*... g ticket statuses (e.g., Mark as Solved). * **[[|Discussion]]
PyRDPConnect (in Development) @en:blog:projects:utilities:pyrdpconnect
7 Hits, Last modified:
| macOS, Debian, Raspberry Pi OS | ^ Download | [[| Download]] | ^ Bug Tracker | [[| Issues]] | ^ Source | [[| Source]] | ^ Donation | [[ | Donation]] |
PyRDPConnect (en Development) @fr:blog:projects:utilities:pyrdpconnect
7 Hits, Last modified:
S, Debian, Raspberry Pi OS | ^ Téléchargement | [[ /heads/| Télécharger]] | ^ Bug Tracker | [[| Problèmes]] | ^ Source | [[| Source]] | ^ Donation | [[ | Donation]] |
Installation Guide @en:blog:projects:utilities:pyrdpconnect:documentation
5 Hits, Last modified:
tz === - Visit the official XQuartz website: [[|XQuartz Download Page]]. - D... e the PyRDPConnect repository: <code sh>git clone</code>... e the PyRDPConnect repository: <code sh>git clone</code>... tz === - Visit the official XQuartz website: [[|XQuartz Download Page]]. - D
Guide d'installation @fr:blog:projects:utilities:pyrdpconnect:documentation
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=== - Visitez le site officiel de XQuartz : [[|Page de Téléchargement XQuartz... Clonez le dépôt PyRDPConnect : <code sh>git clone</code>... Clonez le dépôt PyRDPConnect : <code sh>git clone</code>... === - Visitez le site officiel de XQuartz : [[|Page de Téléchargement XQuartz
About @en
4 Hits, Last modified:
alBox * QEMU ===== GitHub Accounts ===== * [[|{{fa>github-square?24|LaswitchTech}}]] [[|LaswitchTech]] * [[|{{fa>github-square?24|LouisOuellet}}]] [[|LouisOuellet]] ~~DISCU
À Propos @fr
4 Hits, Last modified:
ualBox * QEMU ===== Comptes GitHub ===== * [[|{{fa>github-square?24|LaswitchTech}}]] [[|LaswitchTech]] * [[|{{fa>github-square?24|LouisOuellet}}]] [[|LouisOuellet]] ~~DISCU
Setup as a Thin-Client @en:blog:projects:utilities:pyrdpconnect:documentation
2 Hits, Last modified:
thin-client using PyRDPConnect. <code sh> curl -s w the script before running it: <code sh> curl -s
Configuration en tant que Thin-Client @fr:blog:projects:utilities:pyrdpconnect:documentation
2 Hits, Last modified:
lient à l'aide de PyRDPConnect. <code sh> curl -s le script avant de l'exécuter : <code sh> curl -s
How to Install DokuWiki on a LAMP Server @en:blog:tutorials:linux
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o the tar.gz file. For example: <code bash> wget
How to disable Telemetry on Windows 11 @en:blog:tutorials:windows
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your data. ===== Tutorial ===== - Download {{ | OOSU}} and th
Comment installer DokuWiki sur un serveur LAMP @fr:blog:tutorials:linux
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e fichier tar.gz. Par exemple : <code bash> wget
Comment désactiver la télémétrie sur Windows 11 @fr:blog:tutorials:windows
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données. ===== Tutoriel ===== - Téléchargez {{ | OOSU}} et le
Writr @en:blog:projects:themes:dokuwiki
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