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Enhancing DokuWiki with an Email Script for the Bureaucracy Plugin @en:blog:projects:scripts:dokuwiki:bureaucracy
12 Hits, Last modified:
EAR@** - year * **@MONTH@** - month * **@MONTHNAME@** - month name * **@DAY@** - day * **@TIME@** - time * **@TIMESEC@** - time in seconds * **@FO... and namespace * **@FORMPAGE_PAGE@** - form page name * **@FORMPAGE_!PAGE@** - form page name without namespace * **@FORMPAGE_!!PAGE@** - form page name
Améliorer DokuWiki avec un script de courriel pour le plugin Bureaucracy @fr:blog:projects:scripts:dokuwiki:bureaucracy
5 Hits, Last modified:
EAR@** - année * **@MONTH@** - mois * **@MONTHNAME@** - nom du mois * **@DAY@** - jour * **@TIME... tension * **@USER@** - nom d'utilisateur * **@NAME@** - nom de l'utilisateur * **@MAIL@** - courri... <form> Script d'action email.php Hidden to "" Hidden from "" Hi... dset "Information sur l'entreprise" Textbox UsualName "=ABC Company" Textbox LegalName "=1234-1234 Que
Writr @en:blog:projects:themes:dokuwiki
3 Hits, Last modified:
h Dokuwiki updates (given a few changes for the rename feature). Hi Jean, You mentioned making a few changes for the rename feature. Could you send these changes over to me please? I tried integrating the rename button in the page tools. But as you can see in m
How to Install DokuWiki on a LAMP Server @en:blog:tutorials:linux
2 Hits, Last modified:
DocumentRoot /var/www/html/dokuwiki ServerName <Directory /var/www/html/doku... uWiki installer, where you can set up your wiki's name, superuser account, and other settings. ===== Co
Open a Ticket @en
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e." Fieldset "Contact Information" Textbox full_name Textbox email Textbox phone Fieldset "Issue" S
How to prevent user from signing into a Microsoft Account on Windows 11 @en:blog:tutorials:windows
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enu, and then click **DWORD (32-bit) Value**. - Name the new DWORD "**NoConnectedUser**" - Double-cl
Resolving Taskbar Freezing Issues: A Comprehensive Guide @en:blog:tutorials:windows
1 Hits, Last modified:
'' > ''Security'' > ''Advanced'' menu, and then rename them to ''.orig''. ===== Conclusion ===== After
Resolving: Unable to Create a New Folder @en:blog:tutorials:windows
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perty -Path 'Registry::HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Folder' -Name '(Default)' -Value 'Folder' </code> This command
Comment installer DokuWiki sur un serveur LAMP @fr:blog:tutorials:linux
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DocumentRoot /var/www/html/dokuwiki ServerName <Directory /var/www/html/do
Résolution : Impossible de créer un nouveau dossier @fr:blog:tutorials:windows
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perty -Path 'Registry::HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Folder' -Name '(Default)' -Value 'Folder' </code> Cette comman
Writr @fr:blog:projects:themes:dokuwiki
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Installation Guide @en:blog:projects:utilities:pyrdpconnect:documentation
1 Hits, Last modified:
xecutable permissions: <code sh> chmod +x <script_name>.sh </code> **XQuartz Issues**: If XQuartz does
Guide d'installation @fr:blog:projects:utilities:pyrdpconnect:documentation
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missions d'exécution : <code sh> chmod +x <script_name>.sh </code> **Problèmes avec XQuartz** : Si XQua