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Enhancing DokuWiki with an Email Script for the Bureaucracy Plugin @en:blog:projects:scripts:dokuwiki:bureaucracy
13 Hits, Last modified:
* **@MONTH@** - month * **@MONTHNAME@** - month name * **@DAY@** - day * **@TIME@** - time * **@... - form page id * **@FORMPAGE_NS@** - form page namespace * **@FORMPAGE_CURNS@** - form page current namespace * **@FORMPAGE_FILE@** - form page file *... _!FILE!@** - form page file without extension and namespace * **@FORMPAGE_PAGE@** - form page name *
Writr @en:blog:projects:themes:dokuwiki:writr
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based on user login. (CMS mode) * Set Logo per namespace * If toggled, the template will look for... ogo.png file it can find. * Set Logo's link per namespace * If toggled, the template will use the logo's namespace as the link * Set Site Title per namespace * If toggled, the template will use the ''nstitle
Installation Guide @en:blog:projects:utilities:pyrdpconnect:documentation
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xecutable permissions: <code sh> chmod +x <script_name>.sh </code> **XQuartz Issues**: If XQuartz does
Setup as a Thin-Client @en:blog:projects:utilities:pyrdpconnect:documentation
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es: <code sh>sudo apt-get remove --purge <package_names></code> - Restore any modified configuration f