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How to Build a Simple Ticketing System in DokuWiki @en:blog:tutorials:dokuwiki
10 Hits, Last modified:
ins the page template for individual tickets) └── new.txt (Contains the form to create new tickets) </code> Each file has a specific purpose, and w... kets ====== <block centeralign> <inline button>[[new|New Ticket]]</inline> <inline button>[[ticket|Template]]</inline> <inline button>[[mail|Mail]]</inline
Resolving: Unable to Create a New Folder @en:blog:tutorials:windows
9 Hits, Last modified:
blog:tutorials:windows:resolving-unable-to-create-new-folders.png?nolink |}} ====== Resolving: Unable to Create a New Folder ====== When managing files on your computer, the ability to create new folders is essential for organizing your data. Ho... ncounter an issue where they are unable to create new folders. This problem can arise due to modificati
Writr @en:blog:projects:themes:dokuwiki:writr
5 Hits, Last modified:
for many DokuWiki Plugins (See list below) * A new toolbar is now available in the template configur... ed on the original WordPress Theme Writr. * A new hook ''topbar'' is available to add content to th... r. Using the same formatting as ''topnav''. * A new set of tooltips is now available in the template ... ate will replace the browser's tooltips for these new ones * Hide/Show Site-Tools based on user login
PyRDPConnect (in Development) @en:blog:projects:utilities:pyrdpconnect
4 Hits, Last modified:
o PyRDPConnect are welcome! If you have ideas for new features or have found bugs, please open an issue... fork of the repository on GitHub. - **Create a New Branch**: For new features or bug fixes, create a new branch in your fork. - **Submit a Pull Request**: Once your chan
How to Install DokuWiki on a LAMP Server @en:blog:tutorials:linux
2 Hits, Last modified:
an Apache configuration file for DokuWiki. Open a new configuration file using your favorite text edito... s.log combined </VirtualHost> </code> Enable the new site and restart Apache: <code bash> sudo a2ensi
How to prevent user from signing into a Microsoft Account on Windows 11 @en:blog:tutorials:windows
2 Hits, Last modified:
ght-click the System Key in the left pane, expand New from the context menu, and then click **DWORD (32-bit) Value**. - Name the new DWORD "**NoConnectedUser**" - Double-click the
How to skip the network setup during the initial setup of Windows 11 @en:blog:tutorials:windows
1 Hits, Last modified:
e initial setup of Windows 11 ====== Setting up a new Windows 11 computer is an exciting process, but n
How to Uninstall Windows Store on Windows 11 @en:blog:tutorials:windows
1 Hits, Last modified:
e of Windows 11, users have experienced a host of new features and a revamped interface. However, not a
Résolution : Impossible de créer un nouveau dossier @fr:blog:tutorials:windows
1 Hits, Last modified:
blog:tutorials:windows:resolving-unable-to-create-new-folders.png?nolink |}} ====== Résolution : Imposs