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Writr @en:blog:projects:themes:dokuwiki:writr
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for many DokuWiki Plugins (See list below) * A new toolbar is now available in the template configur... ed on the original WordPress Theme Writr. * A new hook ''topbar'' is available to add content to th... r. Using the same formatting as ''topnav''. * A new set of tooltips is now available in the template ... ate will replace the browser's tooltips for these new ones * Hide/Show Site-Tools based on user login
How to Install DokuWiki on a LAMP Server @en:blog:tutorials:linux
2 Hits, Last modified:
an Apache configuration file for DokuWiki. Open a new configuration file using your favorite text edito... s.log combined </VirtualHost> </code> Enable the new site and restart Apache: <code bash> sudo a2ensi
How to prevent user from signing into a Microsoft Account on Windows 11 @en:blog:tutorials:windows
2 Hits, Last modified:
ght-click the System Key in the left pane, expand New from the context menu, and then click **DWORD (32-bit) Value**. - Name the new DWORD "**NoConnectedUser**" - Double-click the
Formatting Syntax @wiki
1 Hits, Last modified:
atch that of the image, it will be cropped to the new ratio before resizing)): {{wiki:dokuwiki-128.png?
Welcome to your new DokuWiki @wiki
1 Hits, Last modified:
====== Welcome to your new DokuWiki ====== Congratulations, your wiki is now up and running. Here are
How to skip the network setup during the initial setup of Windows 11 @en:blog:tutorials:windows
1 Hits, Last modified:
e initial setup of Windows 11 ====== Setting up a new Windows 11 computer is an exciting process, but n
How to Uninstall Windows Store on Windows 11 @en:blog:tutorials:windows
1 Hits, Last modified:
e of Windows 11, users have experienced a host of new features and a revamped interface. However, not a