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~~NOTOC~~ {{ :en:about.png?nolink |}} ====== About ====== You will find a brief summary below. An offic
Writr @en:blog:projects:themes:dokuwiki
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I believe this is cause by the plugin Translation not existing in your installation. I will add a valid... $translate had been constructed. Uploaded a fix. Note that I am currently waiting for the original Rep... But as you can see in my issue reported. I could not get the button to work. Although going through th
Writr @en:blog:projects:themes:dokuwiki:writr
4 Hits, Last modified:
rity Plugin]] | {{icon>xmark}} | {{icon>xmark}} | Not yet fully supported. Seems like there is a lot to... ed between the navigation and the tools list. == Note == I haven't tested a sidebar yet since the last... need to go out of your way to edit style.ini. == Note == I will be moving this to themes and setup a c... ers can set these colors and other css properties not currently supported by the [[https://www.dokuwiki
Resolving Taskbar Freezing Issues: A Comprehensive Guide @en:blog:tutorials:windows
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g system, providing quick access to applications, notifications, and system settings. However, it can s
Windows @en:blog:tutorials:windows
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~~NOTOC~~ ====== Windows ====== {{blog>.?8&firstseconly&readmore}} ~~DISCUSSION:off~~
Raspberry Pi @en:blog:tutorials:raspberry-pi
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~~NOTOC~~ ====== Raspberry Pi ====== {{blog>.?8&firstseconly&readmore}} ~~DISCUSSION:off~~
Linux @en:blog:tutorials:linux
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~~NOTOC~~ ====== Linux ====== {{blog>.?8&firstseconly&readmore}} ~~DISCUSSION:off~~
Tutorials @en:blog:tutorials
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~~NOTOC~~ ====== Tutorials ====== {{blog>.?8&firstseconly&readmore}} ~~DISCUSSION:off~~
Dokuwiki @en:blog:projects:themes:dokuwiki
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~~NOTOC~~ ====== Dokuwiki ====== {{blog>.?8&firstseconly&readmore}} ~~DISCUSSION:off~~
Themes @en:blog:projects:themes
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~~NOTOC~~ ====== Themes ====== {{blog>.?8&firstseconly&readmore}} ~~DISCUSSION:off~~
Bureaucracy @en:blog:projects:scripts:dokuwiki:bureaucracy
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~~NOTOC~~ ====== Bureaucracy ====== {{blog>.?8&firstseconly&readmore}} ~~DISCUSSION:off~~
Dokuwiki @en:blog:projects:scripts:dokuwiki
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~~NOTOC~~ ====== Dokuwiki ====== {{blog>.?8&firstseconly&readmore}} ~~DISCUSSION:off~~
Scripts @en:blog:projects:scripts
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~~NOTOC~~ ====== Scripts ====== {{blog>.?8&firstseconly&readmore}} ~~DISCUSSION:off~~
Security @en:blog:security
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~~NOTOC~~ ====== Security ====== {{blog>.?8&firstseconly&readmore}} ~~DISCUSSION:off~~
Projects @en:blog:projects
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~~NOTOC~~ ====== Projects ====== {{blog>.?8&firstseconly&readmore}} ~~DISCUSSION:off~~
Blog @en:blog
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