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02. Customization
8 Hits, Last modified:
====== 02. Customization ====== {{page>.:01:index&noreadmore&nofooter&nolink}} {{page>.:02:index&noreadmore&nofooter&nolink}} {{page>.:03:index&noreadmore&nofooter&nolink}} {{page>.:04:index&noreadmore&nofooter&nolink}} {{page>.:05:inde
02.02. Navigation @en:blog:projects:writr:documentation:02:02
3 Hits, Last modified:
a navigation. For that to work you need to add a page called ''topnav'' and add a list of links to it. ... nshot uses this as the content for the ''topnav'' page: <file markdown topnav.txt> ~~NOCACHE~~ * [[:start|Home]] * [[wiki:DokuWiki]] * [[wiki:Syntax]] * [[:Sample Page]] </file>
02.01. Site Identity @en:blog:projects:writr:documentation:02:01
2 Hits, Last modified:
et the title found in the closest ''nstitle.txt'' page. ===== Site Tagline ===== If you enable ''doTagl... ' in the template's configuration, Writr will set the title found in the closest ''nstagline.txt'' page.
02.07. ToolBar @en:blog:projects:writr:documentation:02:07
2 Hits, Last modified:
in the template's configuration, Writr will use a page called ''topbar'' to setup the toolbar. This tool... the same formatting as the Navigation ''topnav'' page. <file markdown topbar.txt> ~~NOCACHE~~ * [[in