Table of Contents
Enhancing DokuWiki with an Email Script for the Bureaucracy Plugin
Author(s): Louis Ouellet
Enhance your DokuWiki experience with a powerful email script for the Bureaucracy Plugin. This script streamlines communication, ensuring efficient data management and user interaction within your DokuWiki.
DokuWiki, known for its simplicity and versatility, becomes even more powerful with the addition of custom scripts. One such enhancement is the email script for the Bureaucracy plugin. This script automates email communication, making it an essential tool for wiki administrators and users alike.
Setting Up the Script
The email script, email.php
, utilizes the settings defined in the Bureaucracy form. The script's settings are set using bureaucracy inputs either in the very first unnamed fieldset or without a fieldset.
Here is a list of the available settings:
- to: Address where to send the email.
- from: Address the email will appear as coming from.
- subject: The email subject.
- showFieldSet: Wether or not to display the fieldset in the email.
- debug: Add Debug information in the email.
Available Patterns
The email.php script uses the Bureaucracy form data to generate emails. It replaces specific patterns in the form fields with actual data and sends an email to the configured recipient.
Here is a list of available patterns:
- 2025 - year
- 03 - month
- @MONTHNAME@ - month name
- 14 - day
- @TIME@ - time
- @TIMESEC@ - time in seconds
- @FORMPAGE_ID@ - form page id
- @FORMPAGE_NS@ - form page namespace
- @FORMPAGE_CURNS@ - form page current namespace
- @FORMPAGE_FILE@ - form page file
- @FORMPAGE_!FILE@ - form page file without extension
- @FORMPAGE_!FILE!@ - form page file without extension and namespace
- @FORMPAGE_PAGE@ - form page name
- @FORMPAGE_!PAGE@ - form page name without namespace
- @FORMPAGE_!!PAGE@ - form page name without namespace and extension
- @FORMPAGE_!PAGE!@ - form page name without extension
- - user name
- - user name
- - user mail
- 2025/03/14 00:50 - date
- form.txt
====== Account Opening ====== <form> Action script email.php Hidden to "" Hidden from "" Hidden subject "=@FORMPAGE_!!PAGE@" Hidden showFieldSet "=0" Hidden debug "=0" Fieldset "Company Information" Textbox UsualName "=ABC Company" Textbox LegalName "=1234-1234 Quebec Inc." Textbox SBRN "=123456789RM0001" Textbox Address Textbox City Textbox State Textbox Country "=Canada" Textbox ZipCode Textbox Phone </form>
Install the Script
You will need to download the script from here email.php. And upload it to [webroot]/conf/plugin/bureaucracy/
. Detailed setup instructions are available on the DokuWiki Plugin page.
The email script for the DokuWiki Bureaucracy plugin is a testament to the flexibility and adaptability of DokuWiki. By enhancing communication and data management, it becomes an indispensable tool for any DokuWiki user seeking to maximize the efficiency of their wiki.