
This template was converted from the WordPress theme Writr. It was voted for by DokuWiki users from a selection of 19 other WordPress themes to convert.

Description Bold, minimalist and modern
Author Louis Ouellet, Anika Henke
Email louis@laswitchtech.com
Last Update 2024-01-02
Compatible Jack Jackrum
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Download and Install

Search and install the template using the Extension Manager. Refer to Template on how to install a template manually.


  • Improve the general aesthetic for a more modern look and consistency
  • Personalize using template's configurations and template's style configrations
  • Support for Bootstrap Icons
  • Support for many DokuWiki Plugins (See list below)
  • A new toolbar is now available in the template configuration. Based on the original WordPress Theme Writr.
    • A new hook topbar is available to add content to the toolbar. Using the same formatting as topnav.
  • A new set of tooltips is now available in the template configuration.
    • If toggled, the template will replace the browser's tooltips for these new ones
  • Hide/Show Site-Tools based on user login. (CMS mode)
  • Set Logo per namespace
    • If toggled, the template will look for the nearest logo.png file it can find.
  • Set Logo's link per namespace
    • If toggled, the template will use the logo's namespace as the link
  • Set Site Title per namespace
    • If toggled, the template will use the nstitle hook to retrieve the title of the site. If none can be found then the dokuwiki title is used.
  • Set Site Tagline per namespace
    • If toggled, the template will use the nstagline hook to retrieve the tagline of the site. If none can be found then the dokuwiki tagline is used.


Sites using this template



Plugin Tested Themed Comments
Access Counter and Popularity Plugin Not yet fully supported. Seems like there is a lot to do on this plugin
ACL Manager
Add New Page Styled and added into the page tools
Advanced DokuWiki
Plain Auth
Bloglinks Read below for more details and customizations of the links
Comment Syntax support
Configuration Manager
Structured Data
Discussion Styled using the WordPress Theme Writr as reference
DW2pdf Set a more proper icon within the page tool
Extension Manager
Include Read below for more details and customizations of the links
Indexmenu Styled for the topnav page
Move Some maintenance is required by the plugin author to fully support PHP8. You may see some PHP Warning if your server is configured to show them.
Revert Manager
Search Form
Translation Styled and added into the page tools
User History Manager
User Manager
Video Sharing Site

Page Tools

Button Function
| AddNewPage Plugin
Built-in Backlinks
Built-in Back to Top
DW2PDF Plugin
Built-in Edit
Built-in Revisions
Built-in Subscriptions
Translation Plugin


  • Show the title of the page tools
  • Show the title of the site tools
  • Show the title of the user tools
  • Should the site tools require login
  • Should the logo changes be by namespace


For best results, update your configurations with the following:

  • plugin»bloglinks»prev_template = <span class="icon"></span><span class="title">@@TITLE@@</span>
  • plugin»bloglinks»next_template = <span class="title">@@TITLE@@</span><span class="icon"></span>

Additionally, you may add the class truncate to the <span class=“title truncate”> to truncate the page title. This will truncate the title to a single line that fits within the prev and next buttons.


For best results, add the following configuration files: [WEBROOT]/conf/plugin_lang/include/en/lang.php

 * English language file
 * @license    GPL 2 (http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html)
$lang['readmore']              = 'Read more';


 * French language file
 * @license    GPL 2 (http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html)
$lang['readmore']              = 'Lire la suite';


You can change the logo, favicon and apple touch icon the same way as for the dokuwiki template.

Namespace Logos can be added using the media library. To show a different logo in a namespace, just make sure to add the custom logo.png in the namespace. This feature is recursive.

This templates supports multiple levels of a navigation. For that to work you need to add a page called topnav and add a list of links to it. (No other content is supported.) The example in the screenshot uses this as the content for the topnav page:

  * [[:start|Home]]
  * [[wiki:DokuWiki]]
    * [[wiki:Syntax]]
  * [[:Sample Page]]


Other sidebar content

The content of a standard sidebar as configured in Configuration Setting: sidebar will be added between the navigation and the tools list.


I haven't tested a sidebar yet since the last various updates I made. I will check it out soon.

Include hooks

Include hooks allow you to add additional HTML or PHP to the template without modifying any of the template files themselves. This template supports the same include hooks as the dokuwiki template.

Colour Schemes

The original WordPress theme came with 6 different colour schemes. Those can easily be achieved by changing the __theme_color__ and __theme_color_alt__ values in your local style.ini to the following:

Colour scheme theme_color theme_color_alt
turquois #1abc9c #16a085
red #e74c3c #c0392b
purple #a162ba #8e44ad
grey #95a5a6 #7f8c8d
green #2ecc71 #27ae60
blue #3498db #2980b9

This should actually be done in the styling plugin over the admin interface. No need to go out of your way to edit style.ini.


I will be moving this to themes and setup a custom theme so users can set these colors and other css properties not currently supported by the styling plugin.

Content width

The width of the content area can be adjusted with the __content_width__ variable in the style.ini. Since DokuWiki version 2015-08-10 “Detritus” you can do that more easily with the styling plugin over the admin interface.

This is currently limited to px size. Will try to add a full-width option for the template.




  • Add more fonts (suggestions?)
  • Add option to make the content full width
  • Add support for Starred Plugin
  • Work on the Media Library CSS to make it more consistent
  • Add toggle-able sidebar
  • Review existing issues
  • Investigate an issue with the Struct Plugin
  • Revise mobile styling
  • Revise responsive styling



Jean, 2024/01/03 01:56
Interesting, nice to see that this template is getting some love! I've been using it for years, it was sturdy enough to stay compatible with Dokuwiki updates (given a few changes for the rename feature).
Louis Ouellet, 2024/01/03 09:02
Hi Jean, You mentioned making a few changes for the rename feature. Could you send these changes over to me please? I tried integrating the rename button in the page tools. But as you can see in my issue reported. I could not get the button to work. Although going through the admin interface still work. I would love to be able to make it work for everyone.
Henk, 2024/01/02 18:56
After changing the template Writr2 back to Writr:
Error: Call to a member function checkage() on null
An unforeseen error has occured. This is most likely a bug somewhere.

More info has been written to the DokuWiki error log

Site https://en.offipedia.org/ is down at the moment.
Do you have any idea how to solve this?
Louis Ouellet, 2024/01/02 19:53, 2024/01/02 21:51
Hi Henk,
I believe this is cause by the plugin Translation not existing in your installation. I will add a validation of the Translation Helper before using the method ''checkage'' in main.php.

I forgot to validate that $translate had been constructed. Uploaded a fix.

Note that I am currently waiting for the original Repository to be transferred to me. In the mean time, you will be able to retrieve the changes by re-installing Writr.
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