
Author(s): Louis Ouellet, Anika Henke

This template was converted from the WordPress theme Writr. It was voted for by DokuWiki users from a selection of 19 other WordPress themes to convert.


  • Improve the general aesthetic for a more modern look and consistency
  • Personalize using template's configurations and template's style configurations
  • Support for Bootstrap Icons
  • Support for many DokuWiki Plugins
  • A new toolbar is now available in the template configuration. Based on the original WordPress Theme Writr.
  • A new set of tooltips is now available in the template configuration.
  • Hide/Show Site-Tools based on user login. (CMS mode)
  • Set Site Identity per namespace including Logo, Title, Link and Tagline

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Review the Documentation.

Download and Install

Search and install the template using the Extension Manager. Refer to Template on how to install a template manually.

Sites using this template



Jeff Johnson, 2025/02/11 11:43

We've used this theme for awhile now and really enjoy it at ChattLab Makerspace (wiki.chattlab.org).

I'm curious though if there are any ways of indenting sections to make organization of complicated topics easier to visualize?

Kenski Chang, 2025/01/24 09:16

Thanks for the hard works of 2025 updates.

Scott Ferguson, 2024/12/29 06:50

Nice work on the template - really impressively demonstrated on this site! Many thanks for your work.

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